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Genealogy Tools and Supplies
Asking a few questions from parents and grandparents and putting them down is not the objective of a genealogy project. The idea is to go back as much as you can in terms of time and find out who your ancestors were. You might find that your great, great, great, great grandfather fought with Napoleon or was the right hand man of George Washington and that would be so exciting. However, doing all the research to find out all about your ancestors is not easy. It takes a lot of time and energy in the process and therefore needs to be done with care.
While you may be able to get a lot of information about your grandparents and great grandparents, you will need to start using specific tools and methods in order to get information about those beyond these times. There are some tools that you can use to research such aspects and these have been discussed here.
Online Genealogy Resources
Other Genealogy Tools
Key Family Genealogy Records
NOTE: Information on this site is not guaranteed to be accurate. Some content is compiled from 3rd party sources. If you are aware of incorrect or outdated information, feel free to contact us.